The APL and the Lycee Service Medical are delighted to invite you to another online video conference for parents only on Monday 20th March at 6.45pm.

On this occasion, the speaker will be Dr Sigman, an American psychologist, who lectures on PSHE health education at schools and to parents as well as CPD and at medical schools, including UCL and to NHS doctors. Dr Sigman has spoken at the Lycee on many occasions. His main interest is in protecting mental and physical health and preventing problems in various areas including Vaping: what you need to know now, which will be the topic for the evening.

Vaping is becoming a concern in secondary schools on a national level. The World Health Organization states: "nicotine in children and adolescents has deleterious impacts on brain development, leading to long-term consequences for brain development and potentially leading to learning and anxiety disorders." (WHO 2022)

Within a single year, the prevalence of vaping has doubled amongst 16 to 18 year olds and it is occuring in younger age groups and rising: about 1 in 10 11-15 year olds are vapers.

We look forward to seeing many of you at this conference!

This conference is funded by Friend's of the Lycee

The Comite APL